Remaining faithful to Jesus' commandment, we would love to share the Word of God with you: The Bible. Even though he is the greatest best-seller of all of mankind, the Bible remains foreign to many. Would you like to study it, know what it says and how it can speak to your life today?
We would like to invite you to atten our small series of studies. They are very basic but very interesting so that you can know more about Jesus' life, His purpose on Earth and how he counts on you to do great things!
Make some time and join us! Send us a message to info@iglesiaaguaviva.es
discussion topics
1. The Bible: Its importance and its history
2. Jesus, the Son of God
3. Is there life after death?
4. Salvation: Being born again
5. The Bible and the spiritual world
6. History of the first christians
7. The Bible and the future
what is the pici program?
The acronym CPCG (PICI in Spanish) is the Comprehensive Program for the Church’s Growth. It is made up of a series of Bible based courses grouped into different levels. Its objective is that all believers have the opportunity to go deeper in what the Bible says and to learn critically, bringing up all their doubts and answering them with the Word of God; in summary, to know what we believe and why we believe it.
The Bible tells us that as believers we have a duty to know the Bible and go deeper in its knowledge. The Lord does not want people that follow Him without understanding why or because someone else has told them to. He has embodied His message in the Bible so that all His children are able to get to know Him in a more personal way.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17